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Season 8, Episode 17, “Days of Sunshine, Days of Shadow”


Never Alone

“You’re never alone Half Pint, not ever.”

–Charles Ingalls

Hard seasons hit each and every one of us from time to time. There’s no explanation, our hope runs dry, and sometimes one tragedy dominoes into another. Just when we think life couldn’t get any worse, it does.

Laura finds herself in this situation when Almanzo suffers a stroke leaving his left side paralyzed and then a tornado destroys their home. She’s downright hopeless, and with good reason, Laura can’t muster a brighter perspective on her own.

I have a feeling that many of us can relate to Laura from either past experiences, or maybe because of events surrounding COVID-19. One disappointment leads to another. One piece of bad news turns into three. Just when it looks like the skies may be parting, another wave of destruction leaves us in despair emotionally, financially, or physically.

Feeling hopeless is bad enough. Add loneliness to that equation and it’s a recipe for a setback far worse than any illness or financial loss. Charles sees what Laura is going through, he knows how alone she feels. His words are filled with truth, truth that we sometimes fail to remember.

God is always with us.

He’ll never leave us.

Even when we feel alone, God is near.

You are never alone my Friend. God holds the foundations of the world together, He holds our lives in His hand. If you know Jesus, His Spirit is living inside of you. He won’t ever leave you, no matter what!

When Laura had no one to talk to, nowhere else to turn, she turned to God. And so can we.

Verses to Ponder

“Be strong. Be brave. Be fearless. You are never along.”Joshua 1:9

“So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles,fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love.” Romans 8:38 TPT

Questions to Act On

Are you feeling alone? Ask God to be near and He will be.

Much Love,


** Join me tomorrow at 9am PST, for another live video on my Facebook page, Wendi Lou Lee as Baby Grace. I’ll be digging out something from the attic for show-n-tell.

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