Site icon Wendi Lou Lee

Fuel The Spark

Every one of us has a little slice of heaven we call home. A little house where memories are made and dreams are formed while gathered together around the table… or in my case the television. Watching Little House on the Prairie fueled a spark in my heart and I wonder what ignites yours?

What’s the far-off dream that feels too big in the present moment?

What have you overcome that could rekindle the flicker in someone else’s life?

It’s probably something that seems too big, but small dreams aren’t really worth dreaming… are they? Every ginormous dream is made up of a series of small steps; when you add them all up the goal usually unfolds on its own.

When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.

Psalm 126:1

God wants us to dream big dreams. He wants us to be secure enough in His love that we can dream again. Or maybe dream for the first time. Stepping into the unknown future of a dream brings us to the perfect place—all out trust in the One who can accomplish anything.

Yes anything!

So keep making memories and keep dreaming dreams. When you are ready, take the first bold step towards the fire burning within you that just won’t quit.

My first step was believing that my story mattered. What’s yours?

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