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Puppy Love

It’s February, and love is in the air!

Puppy love, that is.

Our adorable Bernedoodle Mo just had her first litter of puppies on Monday. I am as giddy as a grandmother, anxiously awaiting our first visit on Sunday afternoon.

I never really thought about it, but being a grandmother is a strange thing. If I am THIS excited about Mo and her puppies… what will it be like to have actual human grandchildren? I’ve been showing off pictures and posting to Instagram.

Nine puppies… can you believe it?


Aren’t they adorable?

Do you see the two with the white tip on the end of their tails?

And what about the one that’s all black, except it’s little chin?

I can’t wait to hold each and every one of them. To snuggle and inspect all their markings. I’m so proud of Mo and the nine little creatures she brought into this world. Each, so unique!

How do I stop thinking about Mo and her pups? Should I drop everything and just drive the hour north to sit with them all day? Tobey and Raegan would kill me.

As a real grandmother, I imagine myself being very respectful of my children and their spouses. Never overstepping their boundaries and always offering to help when they have babies. But will I want to gobble them up… like I want to gobble up these puppies? It’s the funniest feeling, and honestly I’m a bit worried about the future.

For those of you who have grandchildren, what is it like? How do you find a balance between thinking about them all day and still going on with your life that doesn’t involve them? What are the greatest joys? And what’s heartbreaking for you?Teach me my friends–I’m going to need help nativating the road towards grandmothering. I’m a dog grandma–yes, but preparing for the real deal can never start too soon!

Drooling over puppy pictures here,


**Interested in Mo’s puppies… visit Gail’s Doodles.

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